In the same month, 2 years ago, some of the things I was doing....
Checking out pickled quail eggs, baby shrimp and pickled cashews! |
The Gold Menorah en route the Western Wall |
Contemplating on the cat that moves freely across religious divides and man made walls
Observing the sadness of an Orthodox Jew who wished he could visit the Dome of the Rock |
Marveling at the beauty of the Golden Dome - I will return!
Entering Masada |
Kosher McD |
Creation of the State of Israel
Bonding with my darling Travel Partner! |
Being drawn to Palestine |
Sharing a smile with a Palestinian beauty |
Floating alive! - Dead Sea of course :) |
Waiting for the yummiest Kunafeh to be served in Palestine |
Jordan in the distance, Dead Sea in between |
Goodbye Israel, Shalom Aleichem & Salaam Aleikum! |
To read more about my travel with a friend, sans family, check out my earlier posts. You can start with my
airport story.