Buried under mountains of clothes to pack... never realized there'd be SO MUCH to do before a less-than-two-hours flight back home to Bombay! Work seems to have doubled as compared to my trip from Bombay to here.
And to see my completely grown-up parents behave like kids with their sad faces at Button's departure, refusing to let me hold him except during b/feeding sessions.
And the streams of last minute visitors coming in to see the baby. (
Didn't they know I was here in the last 3 whole months?)And his vaccination yesterday (
and fever to deal with)
But yippee... am glad
am going back home..in time for my b'day... Bombay watch out for us :)
ps: Any Bombayites/non-Bombayites if you can suggest a full time/part time maid/nanny, I shall be eternally grateful and promise to buy you a drink/coffee/or anything else... gentleman's word.
Sayanora Kalpakkam... shall blog from Bombay in a few days, once I settle in.
Button turned 4 months old today.
* He hates rolling over.
* Maybe its my imagination, but he seems to recognize his name and the word "
* Loves to admire his hands and feet! (For narcissistic tendencies, his mom is to be blamed!)
* Hates to be wrapped up for the night.
* Chews his mittens with a vengeance.
* Gurgles, coos and sometimes says 'da'.
* He sings with me when I sing (offtune) his lullaby for the night(
and no, its NOT my overactive imagination, I swear he really croons!)* Is taller and chubbier and cuter than ever :)