Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 11: Smile

Ooo danger party hai! Hardly a smile worth returning, eh?! I remember feeling scared of this shark even on the other side of the glass. It also seemed to me (my overactive imagination of course!) that the shark was repeatedly coming back to smile at me. I also remember thinking had the shark learnt to brush its teeth, it would take forever to shine its pearly whites. 

Thinking now of Bruce, the friendly shark in 'Finding Nemo'.
"I am a nice shark. Not a mindless eatin' machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends. Not food."


  1. That's a great smile...I've never seen a shark live , though :)

  2. Now, that is out of the box thinking :)

  3. AnonymousMay 11, 2013

    Yikes! I don't think he will get many return smiles with this one. :)

  4. hahah!! Nice one! I loved Finding Nemo!!
